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Does Your Donkey Sing? We Have A Record To Record!

Writer's picture: Lang BlissLang Bliss

Updated: Jan 30

It was December of 2005 and life seemed to be dragging by with very little going on and not much hope in sight regarding us fulfilling the dreamsšŸ’­ on our heartsā¤ļø with our musicšŸŽ¶.

We had received prophetic words out the wazoo over a period of maybe a decade at that time, but we were just, "a' wishin' and a' hopin" peoplešŸ˜™ then. We heard these amazing things prophesied over us from a number of legit prophetic voicesšŸ—£ļø, and many times they said things that were confirmations of things that only we had talked about with each other; so there was some legitimacy to them in our minds... like, "how could they have known that?"šŸ¤” kind of things.

Sorry... But Not Gonna Do It...Wouldn't Be Prudent.

One of the messages was something that we (but I, Lang, specifically) just couldn't accept.šŸ™… It was asking me to do something that, in my experience in the music industryšŸ’æ, you just didn't do. So I blew it off... for 10 years. I said to myself something like, "This won't work. You just don't do that."

Sometime in 2015, as I had been allowing God's WordšŸ“– to have more of my heartā¤ļø in the years that passed, I took a listenšŸŽ§ to that message again and something had changed. I had faith that if I followed what it said and just stepped out and did what it said to do, that it would work.šŸ™ŒšŸ»

Here's part of it that I had completely blown off:

"Son & Daughter, He says, I'm going to show you, that you are in a place where you are going to have to be one that goes to others just like Jesus sent the disciples out and said , "You go get the colt šŸ« and if somebody asks you what you're doing, they think you're thieving, you're stealing or what your motive is, you just simply say that, "My Master has need of this".

Record a Record with No Moolah?

We wanted to do another recordšŸ„šŸŽ¤ and we didn't have the moneyšŸ’° but the Holy Spirit told me that if I did what this word said to, from 10 years ago, it would happen. Basically, I felt the Lord saying that I was supposed to go to these stellar musicians šŸŽøšŸŽ¹ that we wanted to have play on the record and tell them what the Lord said: that God had said this to me and to ask them to play on the record for free because God had need of them to play on it.šŸ’„

So a little info that's important to the story...

I can't tell you how much that went against everything in me. Musicians being asked to play for free, in our minds, had been associated with lowlife scammersšŸ‘æ, greasy club ownersšŸ¤‘ in Nashville, and "wanna be" artistsšŸ¤  who aren't talented and it has always come off as extremely unprofessional; especially in the Christian music world where you get paid with fried chickenšŸ— and staying at someone's house in their kid's bedroom šŸ›ļø while on tour.

Asked once, and no big deal... but when that's the norm, that's not cool. So we were of the mindset that we would never ask anyone to play on anything for us, or with us live, for free.

But here it seemed that God was asking šŸ™šŸ» me to go against that very legitimate standard and run the risk of offending šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø these talented guys as well as potentially losing their friendship. I was literally scared of doing it.šŸ«£

The Dreaded Phone Calls

I called šŸ“ž the first guy, shaking, and put out the caveat that I wasn't trying to offend him by asking him what I was about to ask šŸ™šŸ» him and I wouldn't be offended in the least if he said no.

So I told him the deal and asked if he would do it and he didn't hesitate to say, "yes"!šŸ’„

Long pause... "uh... wow, great!" In my head, I was thinking, "OMG, it worked!"šŸ¤­

I was kind of taken aback by it, waiting for some kind of words of explanation, like, "as long as" or "but be sure to" or "I can't unless", but there were none of those with all 3 of the guys.

I was dumbfounded.šŸ˜³

I had to apologize to the Lord.šŸ˜¶

I felt like such an idiot on so many fronts. I was disobedient, I was skeptical and doubting, I was prideful, scared... just so many things. But we were also... happy šŸ˜€ and filled with hope!

We were gonna get to record our songsšŸŽ¶!

What's Holding You Back?

The record šŸ’æ happened... it became our album, "3".

I could go on with details but more what I want you to take away is, look at how faithful God is!ā¤ļø We're not special to Him and what happened for us can DEFINITELY happen for you!šŸ™ŒšŸ»

Is there something that God said to doā‰ļø and you've pre-determined that you know better and therefore, you haven't done it?

Be obedient, stepšŸƒšŸƒā€ā™€ļø out in faith and watch God move in your life and do what He said He would do!! He has grace for us in our failures. But also, He wants to get us into the place of fruitfulness, abundance, healing, all of the things that Jesus paid for us to have, as quickly as possible and our disobedience and delay keeps us out of those things.

Share a story with everyone here, of how God answered you! It would be a great encouragement to all of us!ā¤ļø




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