You’ve been hanging in there when no one’s seen it.
You’ve been doing the right things when there’s been nobody to acknowledge and thank you for it.
There are so many stories… they’re the way that we communicate all these crazy, amazing events in our and other’s lives, so here are a few fly overs.
Some friends in Florida have been doing an amazing work of fighting for the legal rights of those who’ve been deeply wounded in human trafficking but you probably haven’t heard about it unless you know them. Women are being set free and laws for their benefit are being changed.
Some other friends made the huge move back to their home state, and have been fighting the battle of getting re-established. It’s a daily grind of hoping the move works out but they’re filled with hope and are succeeding.
A dear friend who helped us build and launch our studio is helping build a business to create amazing medical breakthroughs; they keep us and others informed and have a prayer team engaged; it’s been an uphill climb but they haven’t given up and prayers are being answered.
Another couple, who have given greatly to and sacrificed for us, have a roofing company that has experienced highs and are low right now. They’ve dreamed big dreams… the kind that only God can make happen and their faithfulness to so many is a testimony that hardly any know about. These folks need our support; if you think about it, please pray for them. They are warriors and need some BIG answers but they still believe!
A talented young man we know has committed himself to study and is succeeding in his pursuit for his future. He has doubts about life in general but we’ve seen him regularly with his Bible and that says so much about his hope. He is succeeding and will continue to with that as his focus!
We could go on and on and probably will tell some more stories of these hidden dreamers we know, in the future. You know these folks too; they’re your friends as well.
But guess what?
It’s you.

You have hung in there; worked longer, stayed focused doing something you didn’t/don’t want to, for the goal. You haven’t let go. It’s still on the table… You put money into it when it seemed like a bad move and lost; but you got back up and kept going.
It feels like you’re hidden and nothing’s happening but we all see each other; maybe not everything, but we’re here to cheer you on and say “Way To Go!”
Don’t give up.
These stories tell us something much deeper.
We aren’t nuts in our pursuit!
What you’re doing that brings life to you, your family and others is a good work.
Don’t stop; we need that thing that you’ve been hanging onto for so long to see happen.
If you haven’t seen your dream come to pass yet, don’t give up!
There is One who sees in secret and rewards openly.
Take it to Papa, Dad, Father…
God is the ultimate Dream Restorer and can be fully trusted with those things that just haven’t come to fruition yet.
Tell us your story!